Time for a Family Vacation
The season of Easter is finished, Pentecost has been celebrated and now it is time to grow as a family. A couple months ago I went to confession and my spiritual director stated that he believed it was not good that I take little budget trips with the kids and leave Rebecca at home. He insisted that even if it costs money, I need to honor my wife and take her on a vacation she would enjoy. (Becca doesn't enjoy mini budget trips with 5 kids). So I took the council to heart and booked us a trip to Sicily! Enjoy our story - we begin where we left off last time: Celebrating Easter.
50 Days of Easter
To celebrate the Easter season we tried to do something celebratory every Sunday of the season:
2nd Sunday of Easter: St. George the Dragonslayer
It is our tradition to celebrate St. George (as he is Tristan's patron saint) with a knight's feast.
Thus we celebrate with roast duck, honey butter and sweet bread and fresh fruit. It was also Divine Mercy Sunday so Becca made a Divine Mercy cheesecake to help us with the celebration.
Little Flowers
During the Easter season, Becca continued to train the girls in virtues. Here are the girls as they learn about the virtue of charity.
Every virtue has homework, a colour, a flower and a treat. Becca works hard to have all the colours and virtues and treats match symbolically by colour.
3rd Sunday of Easter: Good Shepherd Sunday
Now admittedly, we got a bit confused and celebrated Good Shepherd Sunday on the wrong Sunday, but none the less, we did celebrate it!
We had a symbolic dinner and walked through the text and meaning of Psalm 23 as a family. We had shepherds pie, the sheep, the gate of the sheep pen, the shepherd's staff, and sheep's wool (popcorn).
and don't forget the strudel representing the wolf's claw prints as we remember that Satan is always seeking to destroy us and to convince us to sin. If we stay behind the gate of the Holy Mother Church and listen to Holy Father Pope Francis we will be safe.
4th Sunday of Easter: Ice Cream Sundae Sunday
This Sunday we celebrated with multilayered ice cream sundaes. Nothing super symbolic on this day - just enjoying each other and feasting.
5th Sunday of Easter: Jesus breaks bread with the disciples by the sea
6th Sunday of Easter: Tristan's First Eucharist!
This was an incredible day! We celebrated Tristan receiving the body, blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ for the first time in the Holy Eucharist. I was very proud of my son as he was very
pious, reverent, and respectful.
We celebrated in this way:
We decided to share the celebration with our friends the DeMeo's whose son Johannes was also receiving his first Eucharist. So Winter and Kate helped bake a triple layer cake with both their initials on it.
Tristan wore his new suit for the first time on a very hot summer Sunday.
We began the journey by walking and praying the Stations of the Cross in Gumpoldskirchen. Here there is a beautiful hike in the hills and Tristan and Johannes led us in prayer at the stations.
Then we made it back and before Holy Mass we went for confession with Pater Edmund.
We had a private Mass with just Pater Edmund and our two families. Pater Edmund gave a great homily for the boys and it was a beautiful Mass.
Wow! My son is growing up. The next step will be in a few years still and then we'll be celebrating his confirmation.
The family minus one. Tavi slept at home through the whole event. Alas.
Then we feasted! Ribs, beer, wine, salads, friends, sunshine ... who could ask for anything more?
We feasted in the DeMeo's backyard just a 8min. bike ride from the ITI campus.
Rock Climbing with the kids
One role of the father is to always be pushing his kids to higher heights, greater feats, to get out of comfort zones, and to move to higher degrees of trust. This can all be done with rock climbing. Thus, I jumped on the opportunity to take my three oldest climbing when a student offered us a children's climbing harness.
Tristan went up first and climbed up well. However, we should've practiced repelling first as he was very scared coming down.
Little Flowers Tea Party:
Here are the last 5 weeks of Little Flowers Tea Party. We had a blast this year learning about virtues and discussing practical ways to incorporate them into our everyday lives. Winter, Anna and Magda were sad that we were done for the summer and kept asking when the next Little Flowers would be. I hope to start the second Little Flowers "Wreath" this coming September.
Obedience: St. Joan of Arc
Flower: Carnation
Theme Colour:White
Piety: St. Cecilia
Flower: Forget- me- Not
Colour: Blue
Humility: St. Catherine Laboure
Flower: Violet
Colour: Purple
Industry: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
Flower: Daffodil
Colour: Yellow
**Last but not shown in pictures......
Truthfulness: St. Brigit of Sweden
Flower: Narcissus
Colour: Orange
Atrium: Good Shepherd Catechesis
Preparing for Rock Climbing
The opportunity arose to take a rock climbing course in rescues during night climbing. I'm not too proficient at all my knots so I spent a morning with Jaro learning my knots and trusting them as I rappelled myself down from our apartment floor.
Graduation 2014
Graduation is always a wonderful celebration when families all come to see the graduates. All stress is gone and we have a great evening celebrating together.
Here is a song that the kids prepared in Kisi Kids: Winter and Magda were the leaders.
Rock Climbing in Slovakia
The rock climbing course date arrived and Jaro and I backpacked into the Slovakian wilderness and began to gear up to climb. I haven't really climbed in a couple years so I was eager to test my skills.
Our Little Chef: Benedict makes the family dinner
Dragonslayer Campout:
Becca's hobby: Sauerkraut and Kambucha
Family Vacation: Sicily
Here is our wonderful journey through western Sicily. The journey began with negotiating a place to stay. We wanted a place on the beach for the kids and we insisted on having a vehicle. We tossed up driving down (23hrs) for a few days, but ended up getting tickets for 40 euros to Sicily and an apartment on the beach with a 7 seaters volkswagon for 100 euro/night. This was a great deal (considering it costs at least 60 euro/night to stay at hostel with my family).
We left on a Wednesday and were gifted with a free ride to the Bratislava airport (an hour away). This was a joyous gift as getting family to the airport in Slovakia with all our luggage using public transportation would have been quite stressful.
Day 2: Selinunte
We stayed in a villa where there were several apartments in an enclosed area. I didn't have the deck overlooking the ocean that I so wanted, but we were right across from the beach and this was perfect. The kids woke up very early and began swimming in the pool right away.
Our tradition is to always have gelato in Italy every day. But today we went for granita (flavoured crushed ice).
Day 2: Erice
We began our day with a workout on the beach just like in the workout shows!
Climbing down the tower.
Day 3: Erclea Minoa
This day found us with another beautiful day of sunshine. We again spent the morning on the beach and went to Erclea Minoa beach in the afternoon.
Day 4: Corpus Christi
We found a Church to go to on this Sunday, but when we arrived Mass was just ending. There was another Mass an hour and a half later, so we just hung out at a park until then.
Day 4: Lido Scala Dei Turchi
Day 5: Day at the Beach
Day 6: Last Day
We had to do this at least once whilst here in Sicily: that is, have a Sicilian breakfast - an ice cream sandwich - literally. For breakfast we received 2 scoops of gelato on a soft hamburger bun. Delicious! It's Grrrreat!
Reading List for the Summer:
Toward the Gleam by TM Doran
Catholic Boys Guide by Fr. Lachance
Purgatorio by Dante
City of God by St. Augustine Skin Game by Jim Butcher City of God by St. Augustine
For the Grandparents:
Music Recital:
This is Winter's friend Margi. She is a student here and came twice a week to play with Kate during crazy times at the house. She became Kate's best friend and joined us for dinner every week. Kate would walk around the house pretending to talk to her on the phone. It was very cute.
Prayer Requests:
1. We are starting to look again for the means to pay the tuition payment again in September: 3000 euros or roughly $4000. I've been able to tutor english a bit over the past year - pray that God will open up some more opportunities work.
2. We have an opportunity to do our first real mission trip as a family. There is a student here who works at a group home in Romania for kids and youth and with families. We are talking about going and running a week drama camp for the kids, teaching catechism with the youth and teaching the parents about Catholic families in the evenings. It would be a big commitment financially and time and energy - pray we make the right decision. 3. That we would find a solution to our schooling. We would like to homeschool Winter and Tristan this year and not do both an Austrian and a classical curriculum with the kids. It was very hard on Winter last year doing both and this year Tristan is being forced into the school system. Further, the system is highly feminized and is run by someone who supports the gender equalization program that the EU is putting out. We are asking for exceptional permission to homeschool with the promise that we will be out of Austria in two years.
We would love to hear from you!
Mailing Address: Schloss Trumau Schlossgasse 21 2521 Trumau, Austria
If you would like to financially support us - the easiest way is probably by paypal. Our email is kenton@biffert.com. Or online via the ITI website: https://www.iti.ac.at/support/donate.html - in the space titled 'notes' just write that the money is for the Biffert family.
If you would like to financially support us - the easiest way is probably by paypal. Our email is kenton@biffert.com. Or online via the ITI website: https://www.iti.ac.at/support/donate.html - in the space titled 'notes' just write that the money is for the Biffert family.
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